WELCOME TO Med Tree Transportation

Med Tree Transportation ensures smooth medical transportation. As the leading North West provider in medical transportation, we specialize in executing efficient and safe solutions for healthcare transportation.

Our extensive team of more than 400+ dedicated professionals operates in 32 cities across Washington State, consistently providing exceptional service with quality care to your loved ones.

Dominic Griffin
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Facility Partnerships
Regional Clients
Drives Completed
People On Our Team

Reach your destination 100% sure and safe

Med Tree Transportation takes an unwavering approach when it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of their elderly clients during transportation. With a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by seniors, MedTree’s dedicated team goes above and beyond to provide a secure and comfortable journey. Their commitment to safety includes highly-trained drivers, well-maintained vehicles, and stringent safety protocols, all tailored to the specific requirements of elderly passengers. MedTree’s attention to detail, compassionate service, and commitment to excellence mean that families can have peace of mind knowing their loved ones are in good hands, making sure they reach their destination safely every time.

Counties We Cover

Frequently Asked Questions

Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) generally does not cover transportation to get routine health care. However, it may cover non-emergency ambulance transportation to and from a health-care provider.

Nonemergency Medical Transportation
You will need a prescription from a licensed provider. If you have FFS Medi-Cal, please inform your medical provider. They can prescribe NEMT and put you in touch with a transportation provider to coordinate your ride to and from your appointment(s).

Medicaid covers rides for eligible individuals to and from the doctor’s office, the hospital, or another medical office for Medicaid-approved care. This coverage is called “non-emergency medical transportation,” because it does not involve a medical emergency.

We will arrange transportation that meets any special transportation needs you may have and is the least costly means to get you to your medical appointment. This could include public bus, fuel voucher, volunteer driver, commercial or nonprofit provider (e.g. taxi, Dial-a-Ride van, etc.), and intercity bus or train. Please be aware that you may be asked to share a ride with other passengers.

You may be eligible for transportation to your medical appointments if you are a Washington State Medicaid client and you have no way to get to and from your healthcare appointments. We are only able to provide trips to medical services such as a doctor’s appointment or dialysis, and the medical service must be covered under your Medicaid benefit services package.  Please telephone our Call Center to see if you are eligible for transportation services. Our trained call center staff will gather some information from you and determine if you are eligible for the program.

What makes us special?

Our extensive team of more than 400+ dedicated professionals operates in 32 cities across Washington State, consistently providing exceptional service with quality care to your loved ones.

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